About Ron Damico


Ron has been supporting people in the field of holistic health for more than twenty years and has provided spiritual and life guidance to thousands of people around the world. Ron’s passion is to facilitate awakening for those who wish to evolve, expand, and energize their health and change their lives at a core level.

A born intuitive, Ron is renowned for his ability to bring profound healing to others, simply through the power of his voice, intention, and presence. Ron’s innate energetic abilities are embedded with divine healing codes and he is able to transmit these inherent healing energies to others, both individually and through group practice.

In childhood he was intimately aware of the subtle energies in and around people, life situations, and nature. He saw things differently than others, and had what he calls a “knowing”, an awareness of a presence. At that time, Ron felt what he was sensing, and later learned to know. In a roomful of people, he could automatically adjust his energy to suit the room, whether it was in behavior, in mood, or in feeling state, by harmonizing his senses and rebalancing any dissonance that was occurring, he could bring the entire room into a balanced state. He also had a keen awareness of how others were feeling and he knew, innately, how to listen, how to ask the right questions, and how to say just the most appropriate thing to help someone resolve their difficulties. Motivated by an unwavering desire to awaken at a soul level, to answer life’s deepest questions, and to align with the pure essence of God, Ron has realized, honed, and mastered his unique healing abilities.


Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Practitioner

Ron holds degrees in both Science (Springfield College) and Engineering (Roger Williams University). His eloquence and quick mind allow him to explain the complex subtleties of life and spirituality while simultaneously articulating highly-refined quantum level multi-dimensional processes. He can expound upon the diverse dynamics of atomic field theory, cellular formation, and systems creation and function with a level of mastery, while making himself understood by a layperson.

It was when he was subcontracting his conditioning and post-rehab services for chiropractors and physical therapists that Ron began to see clients’ issues in a holographic manner. It was like watching a movie, Ron says, and discovering with curiosity and awe the profound information about a patient’s emotional struggles, distorted thinking, and physical imbalances that was revealed through the images. He found that he could understand the root cause of a client’s problems, even knowing clearly the answers to challenges they had not even spoken of. Ron later moved on to work with fitness clients, and realized that through his intrinsic knowing, he could understand and treat bio-mechanical issues with clarity and accuracy. Clients came to him to restore their physical bodies, minds, and emotions, but left his office having been healed on a spiritual, holistic, and vibrational level as well.


All through the 1990’s, Ron studied energy healing in-depth, practicing shamanism and varying modalities of the healing arts. In 2002, he began to work as an intuitive healer and spiritual practitioner. For the first sixteen years, his reputation as a healer grew nationally and internationally through word of mouth alone.

In late 2018, after doing over 40,000 private client sessions and thousands of group healing sessions and meditations, he broadened his healing network and launched his website. Ron now works remotely and in person with individuals and groups of all sizes. Healing in a group setting comes naturally to Ron, and he understands intrinsically the dynamics of healing and how, in every group, those who come together carry like influence, in fact, the larger the group, the greater the impact of a group healing.

Join Ron anytime as he holds multiple group healing sessions, meditations and webinars on an a daily, weekly and monthly basis. We invite you to contact us for an individual session or to register for an upcoming seminar. We know that every experience you have with Ron will be enriching, enlightening, and empowering. Ron’s passion is to help you awaken and heal inside and out on every level of your being.

Everything that I do is an opportunity for people to reawaken to their authentic self, to uncover the lost archives of who they really are and how they are meant to be in this world.

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