With every moment, ALL life changes. As it creates, expresses, and experiences itself, it evolves. The Lemurians would also like us to know that this holds true for highly evolved and awakened beings. As they become, so do we, and as we grow, so do they. Life supports life in reaching the highest potential, and this is the gift of the Lemurians to us this month, a living, breathing experience of how to embody these truths.
The first 12 days of this month’s 21 Day Catalyst will be live from Hawaii, on the island of Kauai, which is thought of as one of the homes of Lemuria. Each day Ron will be tapping into the Lemurian crystalline grid and the expansion of the New Lemurian Consciousness, supporting the transition into the new 5-D consciousness. This supercharged event will support your transformation into a new way of seeing yourself and life.
During November’s 21 Day Catalyst, the Lemurians will support and guide us on a healing and awakening journey of how it feels to be at the precipice of becoming. They will create an evolving field of energy for us as we move through this transformative time of growth in consciousness. Creating the space to feel and settle into our next vibrational home from which we will live and love. The Next Evolution of Lemurian Consciousness will be recognized as who we are, one cosmic family.