NOV 5-7


Eternal Flame

with Ron Damico

Experience the most complete, advanced, and intense application of Ron’s work to date.

Experience hands-on frequency work with Ron
Open the “Book of your Eternal Essence”
Activate your Holographic Blueprint
Transition to 12-strand Crystalline DNA
Embrace your existence with Grace and Ease.


Ron is the Powerhouse of

Rose G.

The most powerful healing, spiritual, energetic work I know.


He’s been my saving Grace.


The Book Of Your Eternal Essence

Tapping into this book will bring into action what will set you free…

During his 21 Day Catalyst Healing Meditation Program, Ron was presented with The Book of Your Eternal Essence to support the next level of seeing your true nature and the vastness of your eternal soul. This book is a sum-total of all your lifetimes of experiences and how they have combined to contribute to creating your current life’s experiences.

It’s a spirit map to guide you into the depths of your whole self, in support of your capacity to heal through love, compassion, and acceptance of yourself, your experiences, and the lives you have lived. Tapping into this book will bring into action what will set you free to see yourself, life, and the world around you in a new light of untold possibilities and potential to live your eternal essence as the moment of now.



If you are ready to use this unprecedented time in history to catapult you into the next wave of higher consciousness, then please join Ron for the Igniting your Eternal Flame weekend retreat. Since the first of this year, Ron’s abilities to work with the human blueprint and all its potential have been on a rapid upward trajectory. As a result, Ron’s work continues to make quantum leaps into a deeper understanding and working knowledge of what creates human life, and how to work with the subtle nuances of what it takes to live a healthy, balanced, and whole life.

As a result of these changes, Ron feels it is time to bring this work into everything he offers more directly and with increased potency to help others transform their lives. This program, the Igniting your Eternal Flame retreat, will be the most complete, advanced, and intense application of his work to date. He will be breaking ground for your new way of life; a life with more significant presence, an increase in your true creative potential, and an amplification of your consciousness from moment to moment.

To help you better understand the nature of this work, Ron will be working more intimately from the timeless space of all creation. From here, he will be opening the “book of your eternal essence” to bring into supra- conscious action your ability to embrace the true nature and meaning of your lifetimes of experiences. Then, with skillful and laser-focused clarity, gentleness, and compassion, he will guide you to deeply embrace yourself, your life, and all you have experienced. By awakening a deep sense of compassion, you may finally embrace your entire existence with grace and ease.

As Ron guides you to awaken the flame of your eternal nature, all changes will activate at your holographic blueprint. From here, Ron will begin accessing and transforming your current 2-strand carbon-based DNA model of life and transitioning you into a 12-strand crystalline base DNA model, which will activate your access to higher levels of consciousness. This opening will create the environment to transform your body’s genetic coding from regeneration and reproduction to a more advanced, accurate reflection of the body’s ability to generate itself from a perpetual state of evolutionary creation. Simply put, we currently regenerate from a fixed state expressive of our original genetic material and life experiences from birth. Ron will be creating the required frequencies and introducing the needed core programming to bring you to a natural state of evolutionary generation. This will hold true the nature of your potential to change at the supra-conscious and genetic levels, since our evolution is influenced by our life experiences and how we see ourselves and the world around us.

During this event, Ron will be walking you through multiple stages of progression to meet the group’s needs as a whole while also supporting the individual’s specific requirements. This will catapult you into a perpetual state of motion to nurture into form your true potential as an awakened spiritual being.

Up until now Ron’s retreats have been reserved for all in-person attendance, because of the global situation and issues with travel we will be offering both in-person and live stream for the Igniting Your Eternal Flame retreat in Sedona at the Sedonya Conscious Living Center. Ron will be bringing in the frequencies of Sedona and its vortexes for all participants to feel and immerse in so they can benefit from Sedona’s powerful energy and healing.

If you are ready to immerse yourself in the profound transformational frequencies that Ron has come to master, then this 3-day immersion is a perfect way to upgrade your body, mind and spirit into the powerful new paradigm that we are all igniting into earthly reality.

Join Us!

This is a chance for a heart centered and like minded community of wayfaring spirits to come together and step into the light of what they wish to embody for themselves and the awakening of humanity as a whole.



With the stunning setting, both physically and energetically, Sedona is sure to provide not only the perfect environment for healing, growth and transformation – but also rest, relaxation and vacation. Consider arriving early and/or staying late to savor the space and integrate your inevitable shifts.


Sedonya Conscious Life Center
120 Deer Trail Drive
Sedona, AZ 86336


There is a plethora of lodging options in Sedona and the surrounding area – both hotel and airbnb. We recommend booking ahead of time to ensure availability.

If flying, most choose to fly into Phoenix or Flagstaff. The airports offer convenient car rental services, and schedule shuttle services. Sedona itself has limited Uber availability.


HIKE & HEALING MEDITATION   ( 9am-12pm, Optional )
Intermediate level hike, with stops for Frequency Healing Intensives (FHI) and meditations.

CHECK-IN   ( 3:30pm )

RETREAT ( 4pm-7pm )
Includes FHI with crystal bowls, Ron’s spiritual talk and meditations.

CHECK-IN   ( 8:30am )

RETREAT   ( 9am – 12:30pm )

LUNCH   ( 12:30pm )
Provided on-site; organic & plant-based

RETREAT   ( 1:30pm – 5pm )

SACRED SUNDAY & LUNCH ( 10am – 12:45 PM, Optional )
Join Ron at the Sedona Conscious Living Center, where he will be the featured speaker for Sacred Sunday.   An organic and plant-based lunch will be provided on-site.

RETREAT   ( 1pm-4pm )

Please email for availability.


Replays of the event are included for both online and in-person attendance


Igniting Your Eternal Flame

November 5th-7th, 2021

*Limited In-Person Spots

(Limited In-Person Spots)