The essence and nature of love have been sought after for as long as humanity has been alive. We have sought to know its essence and meaning through our relationship with others, nature, creativity, music, spirituality, and so much more. Through all these mediums, we have attained glimpses of what love is and can be as we take it in as an experiential journey. But our ability to sustain love has been only temporary. Why does its essence elude us? Maybe we are missing the point that love is not something to understand, define, and reference. What if love IS WHO YOU ARE, not something we are meant to search for to attain and understand.
To support your becoming love, Ron will energetically guide you to feel and experience that the nature and essence of love are:
•A way of being
•Who we are
•An infinite range of cosmic frequencies
•The foundation of the known and unknown universe
•Creation and life itself
Ron will immerse you in what we have forgotten love to be during this Global Transformation. He will then be helping you put to rest incomplete moments within the lifetimes that have led you away from knowing yourself as the essence of love itself. For this immersion, Ron will guide you through the landscape of true love, and you will begin to feel the memory of what has always been within your reach and what you have been seeking. The essence of love is all you are and only what you can be. Join us on this frequency journey into the heart and soul of your true self - Love, as all that you are and can ever be.