Spring Equinox: Full Moon - Seeds of Growth and Change

Date: March 20th, 2019

Start Time: Previously Recorded

End Time: Previously Recorded

Length: 45 minutes

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Hello Everyone,

Much has been happening in the world and within each person's life over the past several months. Being that this is the beginning of spring and a full moon, it is once again time to take advantage of the potential that lies within and before us. To note the opportunities, ever present in life, while bringing more life cycles and patterns to a close. Making way for the seeds that have been planted, lying in wait for the right environment to sprout and grow.

This evening we will be cleaning up the remnants of the past and closing those doors. Stepping more complete into the present moment and opening portals to the future that lies within, waiting to be birthed. Ron will be using the energy of the earth's cycles as well as the cosmic rhythms of the moon, sun and other celestial bodies to amplify this clearing, gestational and birthing process within and before us.