Lion’s Gate 8:8:8 Cosmic Embodiment


Dates: Thursday, August 8th, 2024

Start Time: 5:00 PM PT on Zoom with replay

Length: 60 Minutes

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This Lions Gate 8:8:8 Portal is unique in that it allows us to tap into the higher frequencies that ARE who WE ARE in this cosmic embodiment. This portal arrives at a crucial time as humanity actively embraces its highest potential as a natural state of our cosmic being. The energies it activates for embodiment are the foundational and fundamental building blocks of all life. By creating this opening, the portal enables us to more freely access these energies and bring them into the physical realm. This supports our ability to embody our full spirit potential more
efficiently and to shift the foundation of human existence more rapidly, allowing us to live our cosmic potential now.

As part of this cosmic shift, YOU play an integral role in creating a transformative alignment throughout the universe. This alignment lays the foundation for the New Human Potential to be realized through YOU. This portal allows us to more freely access these energies and bring them into the physical realm to shift the foundation of human existence. The cosmic shift and transformative alignment coming from the universe create an opening for these energies to express themselves more fully in form. During the live session on Thursday, I will explain this process, amplify the energies, create a higher resonance within the individual and collective energy fields, and guide everyone through aligning, embodying, and immersing into these frequency codes for a truly experiential understanding and rapid transformation.

This program will be held on Zoom and will be available with both video and audio options. It can be downloaded for infinite access; please download the recording within two weeks of the live event.