Global Transformation
The Essence of Feminine & Masculine Divine: The Passion of Love


Date: December 22, 2019

Audio Webinar

Length: 60 minutes (+Bonus: 45 minutes of the 21 Day Catalyst)

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*Bonus – Free Recording of 21 Day Catalyst Meditation Included

Within the very fabric of life is the dynamic and ever-present intimate relationship between the Feminine and Masculine Divine. This relationship is a key component within the creation of life itself; no matter the form of expression, the feminine and masculine essences are present as a foundational component. To gain greater clarity of our own innate creative and expressive process, we must first have a working relationship of this powerful energy dynamic that flows within and through us at all times.

The relationship between the Feminine and Masculine Divine has no need or want within its matrix of life. The essence of each, within itself, is whole and fulfilled. At the foundation of their nature, they are intertwined as one; complete yet ever-expanding. One will never dominate the other, for to do so would be to distort oneself out of harmonious existence. Within the presence of one lies the presence of the other; one cannot be without the other. Just like dark cannot exist without light, the feminine cannot exist without masculine. They are innately existent only because of the other.

To bring this dynamic to light and life within participants, Ron will be guiding the group though:

  • Releasing the distortions around divine feminine and masculine love
  • Healing the wounds of the mind, body, and spirit that have divided these two powerful and amazing forces
  • Purging the frameworks of old paradigms and conflicts created between females and males around control and dominance
  • Clearing distorted social impressions of the feminine and masculine from family lineage and the global theater of life
  • Erasing imbalances caused by societal mediums: family, business, religion, finance, economics, politics, spirituality, and any socialized method of operation that limits the freedom to live within the identity of your innate nature

During this powerful and redefining event, Ron will be guiding everyone into a very personal relationship with the Feminine and Masculine Divine. He will be expanding this dynamic to the global then cosmic essence of who we are as humans and spirit. This will set the stage for you to align with the core truth within, to live this dynamic dance with unwavering integrity, and create boundless opportunities to live your love with grace and ease.