This world is rich with tradition. It is in virtually every aspect of society from home and family to government, business, science, and religion; it permeates all human culture. Family traditions, in particular, have been skewed to accommodate people's insecurities as opposed to raising others to higher levels of excellence. We are not meant to bring others down to our level of pain and emptiness. Real acts of tradition are intended to bring the wisdom of the ages into a format of teaching designed to elevate others to ever-increasing levels of attainment. Most traditions have origins in something supportive and healthy, taking the best of what we have become and instilling it in people so they have a base foundation from which to grow and evolve. The heart of tradition is to celebrate those who have come before us. Which is done by taking the best of who and what they became, celebrating those achievements, then passing it over to all who follow. The ultimate intent is to provide a better foundation for generations to come. Yet, over millennia, traditions have progressively lost their true meaning. Often they are kept alive for the sake of the tradition itself or to glorify the individuals, which is never the wish of a true role model or teacher.
Tradition at its core is meant to serve people in knowing who they are and awaken the process of growth and evolution. It is a gift from one generation to another; a gift of love, respect, and desire to support the new generation in flourishing as they grow into who they are and beyond. Traditions are meant to be a way of transferring the true cosmic knowledge of what it is to be spirit in human form. By taking this insight and using it wisely, we evolve ourselves and use our knowledge to enrich all generations to come.
Within this Global Transformation, Ron will be facilitating the release of:
- Mistruths
- Binding patterns
- Limiting beliefs
- Fear-based foundations
- Religion, spiritual, government, culture, history, politics
Ron will then instill the frequencies of the true essence of tradition. He'll awaken your ability to take the best of what we've been and instill it in others, so they have a base foundation from which to grow and evolve. You'll learn how to enrich and expand the experience of what it is to become an embodied being in all areas of life, and areas yet to be discovered. This Global Transformation will help you break free of all limiting historical perceptions and align you with a core knowing of what it is to be alive, fulfilled, and vibrant.