In times of crisis, there are those who are called upon for their training, skills, and profession. Still, others are called by a voice deep within that brings them to rise above the material world in service of the highest love. No matter the reason, we honor and thank you.
The choice to love, care for, and take action to help those in dire need is a choice of great human courage and spiritual grace, and is genuinely revered. For it is the actions of those like you that motivate others to be better. What we wish for this world, and hold in high esteem, is for all of you “with your strength, courage, and unceasing love” to become the next level of human life for all of us to aspire to. We need you to step into and through fear in order to become better, to unveil what humanity is capable of and meant to be. You are the reminders of what love and compassion truly are. You are the light leading us through the darkest of dark, reminding each of us of who we are and showing us the way. Thank you!
To honor and support all of you on the frontlines during this crisis, we offer this healing session and meditation. As this raises you to a renewed state of peace and calm, you will persevere. You will create a wave of movement to awaken others, to ignite their love and passion to support one another. You will lift everyone to higher states of potential, which will raise humanity out of the pain of its past and into a future filled with love, beauty, and kindness.
During this offering, Ron will be clearing deep levels of fear, pain, overwhelm, and more to ease frontline workers of their emotional burdens. This will lay the foundation to bring them to a place of peace and comfort so they may release and heal from the physical stress of their days, weeks, and months of commitment. Then he will lift their spirits to higher levels of purity so they may, with grace and ease, bring into this world infinite love and passion for the true nature of life, unifying the mind, body, and spirit for all beings to sing and breathe as one.