Happy New Year's. As we enter 2022, more than most other years we are entering a time of a collective global metamorphosis. We are moving from stress and survival as the motivation for living into a state of grace and ease. The nature of this transition brings to mind the mythology of Pandora's box, in which Pandora's curiosity leads her to open the box, releasing physical and emotional curses upon humanity. For more than two thousand years, civilization has been built on this cursed model and all its trappings.
We are now at a point where hope is finding its way through, to bring forth the true nature of life and how to live it. Now is the time to close Pandora's box, embrace hope for change, and begin to live Heaven on Earth. No matter what we have seen in the world, we are turning a corner as we commit to closing the door to past ways of being as we step into living a more brilliant truth. Once we close the lid to Pandora's box and put down the apple of the tree of knowledge from the Garden of Eden, we create the opening for Heaven to find its rightful place as the creation point of life itself.
The journeys of mythology and religious scripture are simple expressions of our natural curiosity to experience life, acted upon by allowing the weaknesses within to get the better of us, creating a life and even a world expressive of pain. This comes from following the impulses of the lower emotional patterns and thoughts that come from unhealed wounds. If this pattern continues, we begin to resent our gods, each other, and life, all of which contributes to the challenges we are experiencing today.
We can change these seemingly endless cycles of pain with one simple focus—hope. When combined with our spirit will to change, hope will change the course of life itself. Hope is our spirit GPS signal, an innate reminder helping us find our way into alignment with our true self and Source. When hope is truly activated by our spirit, no matter how bad it gets, at some point, we will find our way through the difficulties at hand. I say this because hope remained within Pandora's box, and until we are willing to let hope out and our spirit soar, we will be stuck in the cycle we have been struggling with for millennia.
During this two-part series, Ron will be guiding you through all you require to begin to turn your life around. These healing meditations will help you find a path to your true self, awaking your ability to access your innate potential to create a life you would love to live.
New Year's Eve will be focused on helping you navigate through the points of creation that brought about the repetitive cycles of hopelessness and pain. He will be:
• Clearing your personal lineage from this and past lifetimes.
• Releasing current and past systems of control and limitations having you believe that you are weak and at the mercy of others and your environment.
• Breaking the bonds and limitations of all systems of control: economics, finances, government, legal systems, business/work environments, etc.
• Setting you free from all other forms of limitation and control, known and unknown.
New Year's Day will be focused on aligning you with your core nature to help you thrive and create the essence of Heaven on Earth as your authentic way of being. During this new day, Ron will:
• Align you with the essence of what Heaven is for you and awaken your ability to live with this as your foundation of creation.
• Open you to embrace what is before you and embody your true loving nature as a way to engage the world within and around you.
• Open you to life's nature of Heaven as your true home, to the essence of all creation, and to the realization that you are all of it.
• Guide you to your innate ability to know, feel, and embody yourself as whole, so you can meet all of life's experiences with the courage and power of grace and peace that is the foundation of your true self.
This program is a powerful opportunity to deconstruct Pandora's box, set the direction of this coming year to be a path of empowerment from within, and awaken a depth of clarity through which you can make healthier choices in the creation of your life. Join Ron as he guides you through this journey of Living Heaven on Earth, bringing you to embody a deeper self-knowing and ability to live without limitations in the creation of a higher quality life.