21 Day Catalyst
Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within


Dates: March 1st – 21st

Audio Webinar

Length: 21 30-minute segments

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As we continue to transition into our true nature, we resurrect what interferes with this awakening. If we face these moments with courage and compassion, we can move through life with greater ease. But, if we resist the truth and hold onto the old ways, we experience events both personally and collectively, as we can see with current global events. Everything can change if we take the time to look within to find the truth of who we are and how to live that in the physical world. To support this transformative process now is the perfect time to activate and bring into our conscious life the essence of the Christ Consciousness.

What is the Christ Consciousness? It is an awareness of our spirit essence as part of a universal and cosmic system of life and truth that is at the very core of who we are. Although it can be interpreted in several ways, a common understanding is that Christ Consciousness is the state of consciousness in which a person has attained an awakening and embraced the embodiment of Source Essence as self. As we choose this path, we create a natural wave of change that can transform the face of life as we know it.

Join Ron on this journey of higher awakening and more complete embodiment of the Christ Consciousness as a natural and intimate way of living in this world. We will journey deep into the essence and nature of what it is to be this fundamental component of all sentient life and experience how to live this as your natural way of being.

Please Note:

Arizona does not participate in Daylight Savings Time, therefore there will be a shift in the start time of the program mid-month. From March 1st-March 12th, the program will start at 7:00pm MT, and from March 13th- March 21st, the program will start at 7:00pm PT. Additionally, on the night of Friday, March 18th, the program will be starting at 8:00pm PT. All 21 days will be approximately 30 minutes in length.

Please see a chart of time zone start times below.

  • Before March 13th: 6:00pm PT / 7:00pm AZ MT/ 7:00pm MT / 8:00pm CT / 9:00pm ET
  • After March 13th: 7:00pm PT / 7:00pm AZ PT/ 8:00pm MT / 9:00pm CT / 10:00pm ET
  • March 18th: 8:00pm PT / 8:00pm AZ PT/ 9:00pm MT / 10:00pm CT / 11:00pm ET

Outside of the US please use the time zone converter (link below)
